The 3rd Annual Symposium for Learning about Alzheimer’s disease-related Medical Research at Duke & UNC.

September 12 – 13, 2024  |  North Carolina Central University

Explore the Event

The 3rd Symposium for Learning about Alzheimer’s disease-related Medical Research at Duke and UNC

Open to researchers, clinicians, and trainees from Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, ECU, NCCU, UNC-Pembroke, and UNC-Wilmington.

A more detailed agenda will be posted closer to the event.

Research talks by REC scholars and trainees
Poster and networking sessions
Panel of experts on ADRD therapeutics

Keynote Speakers

Goldie Smith Byrd, Ph.D.

Professor, Social Sciences and Health Policy at Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Molly Fox, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles


Registration Closed

Registration for SLAM-DUNC is closed.

Previous Symposium

UNC-Pembroke, May 2023

Duke & UNC Coaches for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Duke’s Coach K and UNC’s Coach Roy Williams discuss the importance of teaming up to defeat Alzheimer’s Disease.