Neuropathology Core

Goals & Activities

  1. Collect, store, and distribute unique and high-quality postmortem CSF, brain, and eye tissue.
  2. Provide neuropathology diagnosis for ADRC participants.
  3. Provide neuropathology consultation and diagnostic training for Alzheimer’s disease researchers.

This photo demonstrates the difference between a regular, healthy brain (right brain) and a brain that has suffered cognitive disease (left brain).
Two brain specimens from the Duke Bryan Brain Bank. Case 117 is a healthy, cognitively normal brain. Case 224 suffered from severe cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s Disease.

Core Members

Todd Cohen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor – Neuroscience Research

UNC-Chapel Hill

John Ervin

Lab Research Analyst I

Duke University


Juan Troncoso, MD

Director, Brain Resource Center