Research Education Component

The Research Education Component (REC) Core’s mission is to develop future leaders in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADRD) research.

REC Scholar Awards

Each year, the REC Core sponsors career development awards designed to support postdocs and early career faculty at Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, Eastern Carolina University, North Carolina Central University, and UNC Pembroke in their ADRD research.


The REC Core hosts a monthly IDEAS Forum on Zoom focused on early-career investigators and their work in dementia research. IDEAS stands for: Interaction-and Discussion-Enablers for Alzheimer’s Disease Science. IDEAS forums are typically held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 4pm.

IDEAS Forum Listserv

Join the IDEAS Forum Listserv to hear about events and funding opportunities geared towards junior investigators in ADRD research.

ADRD Research Curriculum

The REC Core creates and maintains research curriculum of videos covering topics related to ADRC in basic and clinical science. Videos include “Untangling the Mystery of Tau“; “The Mental and Social Wellness Continuum and Stress in Dementia“; and “Fundamental Principles of Research Equity“. Find the entire curriculum below.


Each year, the REC Core organizes the Symposium for Learning about Alzheimer’s disease-related Medical Research at Duke and UNC (SLAM-DUNC). It is hosted by a different member institution each year (Duke, UNC-CH, ECU, NCCU, UNC-P).

The symposium brings together students, trainees, and faculty from the member institutions for talks by keynote speakers, poster session, networking, and presentations from REC Scholars and selected trainees. The goal of this event is to foster research collaborations and provide opportunities for trainees to expand their knowledge and share their ADRD research.

Core Leaders

Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD

Core Leader

UNC-Chapel Hill

Kyle Walsh, PhD

Core Leader

Duke University

Ellen Roberts, PhD, MPH

Associate Core Leader

UNC-Chapel Hill


Dayami Lopez, PhD

North Carolina Central University

North Carolina Central University

Donna Roberson, Ph.D., RN, FNP-BC


East Carolina University

Ben A. Bahr, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

UNC Pembroke


Jacquelyn Goeking

Program Coordinator

UNC-Chapel Hill

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