Call for Abstract Submission

Share your work at the 3rd annual Symposium for Learning about Alzheimer’s disease-related Medical research at Duke & UNC (SLAM-DUNC)!



Calling junior investigators & trainees studying Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

A broad range of research topics in basic science, translational science, health services, behavioral health, social sciences, and clinical studies are welcome from Duke, UNC, ECU, NCCU, UNC-P, and UNC-W!

Poster Session & Selected Talks

  • All submitted abstracts will be included in an electronic abstract book and will be invited to participate in the poster session.
  • Abstracts from undergraduate and graduate students, residents, fellows, postdocs, lab staff, and assistant professors will be peer-reviewed. Selected abstracts will be chosen for presentations as a 10-minute talk in addition to a poster presentation.
  • Selected speakers will be notified by mid-August.


  • Abstracts are limited to 250 words (not including title, author, and affiliations)
  • Both structured and unstructured abstracts are acceptable.
  • Do not include figures, images, or tables as part of your submission.

Abstract Submission Portal

All abstracts should be uploaded via the Abstract Portal.

Submission deadline:  July 25, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.